Brie Pierznik

Chair, Associate General Counsel, Columbia Sportswear Company


I support WorldOregon because I know of no better way to help locally build a globally engaged and informed citizenry, which is increasingly important in our globalized world and as we face serious threats like climate change.

Some causes I support: I am a huge dog lover, and I support numerous dog rescue groups, including Street Savvy Dog Rescue and Street Dog Hero in Oregon, and Dog Prana in Baja Sur, Mexico.

A favorite place to be: My favorite place to be is Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Mexico, particularly during the winter so I can spend the day watching whales from the beach.

A person (leader/artist/expert, living or dead) who inspires me: Tressie McMillan Cottom, Roxane Gay, Elizabeth Warren, Dolly Parton, Kiese Laymon, and just about any astronaut.


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